Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sharing the Gospel at "The 99"

Since the Scriptures command that Christians preach the gospel to everyone, we need to be looking for every opportunity to do so. There has been an event at a nearby church called The 99 that has been drawing crowds by the thousands each night that it is open. The 99 is a dramatic presentation of the five leading causes of death in teenagers and young adults, and the number 99 represents how many in this demographic die each day due to these causes.

While the presentation itself is very realistic and sobering, the theological elements were found to be lacking in a few areas. With the crowds that have been showing up there, it only seemed right that we should be giving people the biblical gospel. So with tracts in hand (and in pockets), off we went. What a great opportunity to serve our King...and all it took was a little time, a little effort, and a little obedience. In less than an hour's time, hundreds of tracts were handed out. Please pray for all those who received the Law and the gospel tonight, and we pray that our awesome God was most glorified! Please Christian, look for opportunities to share the gospel...this is not a calling, it is a command! Preach On!

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